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MKS HV 6160

MKS HV 6160
Price excluding VAT:1 652 CZK
Price including VAT:1 999 CZK
1 999 CZK
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MKS HV 6160

Flat wing servo with standard dimensions and huge power.

Particularly suitable for wings of giant sailplane models or for wings of models that are subjected to high forces on the control surfaces during operation, e.g. slope models.

The Coleress motor (without core) together with a gearbox made of a special alloy with a large tooth module ensure excellent resistance of the servo to the loads generated during operation.

The servo can be powered from 4.8 V (NiCd four-cell) up to 8.2 V (LiPo two-cell without regulation).

The servo's all-metal construction distributes heat excellently so that the servo does not overheat.

The servo's rugged construction results in excellent durability during operation.

With regard to the parameters, the MKS HV 6160 servo has an excellent price/performance ratio. 



  Torque (4.8V):                            11.7 kg-cm / 162.4 oz-in

  Torque (6.0V):                            14.5 kg-cm / 201.3 oz-in

  Torque (7.4V):                            17.0 kg-cm / 236.1 oz-in

  Torque (8.2V):                            18.6 kg-cm / 258.3 oz-in

  Speed:                                        0.230 s (4.8V)  /  0.182 s (6.0V)  /  0.147 s (7.4V)  /  0.133 s (8.2V)

  Weight:                                       30.7 g  (1.08 oz)

      Dimension:                                  33 x 10 x 35.2 mm

      Stall Current (at locked load)    1.56A (4.8V) / 1.9A (6.0V) / 2.2A (7.4V) / 2.5 (8.2V)

     Working Voltage                      4.8V ~ 8.4V DC Volt

     Working Frequency                  1520μs / 333Hz

     Dead Band                              0.001 ms (Default)

     Bearing                                   2*Oil-retaining Bearing

     Gear                                       Metal Alloy Gear

     Motor                                     Coreless Motor 


MKS HV 6160
MKS HV 6160
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